
What’s with the ‘Wild’?

June 14, 2021

When I was choosing the name for my business, the word “wild” kept popping up. I have always been described as someone who was “wild”.  In my youth, I was always running wild on my bicycle, in high school I was a mischievous wild child.  Being the last on the dance floor was also considered wild.  I think I […]

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I spent most of my life running from my trauma instead of processing it. And whatever you don’t process will keep cropping up in different ways, even returning as illness (I've been there!).


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When I was choosing the name for my business, the word “wild” kept popping up. I have always been described as someone who was “wild”.  In my youth, I was always running wild on my bicycle, in high school I was a mischievous wild child.  Being the last on the dance floor was also considered wild.  I think I was just exuberant in having fun. Whenever I was away from my oppressive upbringing, I literally just went wild. 

When I became chronically ill with kidney failure, I followed all the medical protocols.  I went on dialysis treatment 3 times a week, I took, and still take, a lot of medications.  There were rules and I followed them all.  Because of my vigilance and my desire to stay alive, I was healthy enough to have a kidney transplant. There are still rules, and I follow them religiously.

Even though I am considered by the medical community to be at Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3 (CKD3), I consider myself to be the most well I’ve ever been. I say this because of the wild road that led to my spiritual awakening. This awakening led me to heal past trauma, be in communication with my Inner-Child, and learn how to honor the wisdom of my Shadow.

Now I can say with certainty that even if I’m not ok, I’m ok.  Even if I get sick again, I will be ok.  I will be more than ok because I have access to a loving energetic strength that has been worth everything I’ve gone through.  How did I get here?  The wild way.  Healing is a wild ride.  I’ve gone to the Underworld and back, I’ve visited places in my past I’ve tried very hard to bury, and I’ve acknowledged dark parts of myself that needed my tender acceptance and attention.

The healing journey never ends.  I will be on this wild ride until the day I leave the earth.  It has given me a purpose that I’ve been looking for all my life.

My purpose is to teach you how to heal yourself from trauma, neglect, and abandonment.  It’s all about love, self-love, self-forgiveness, and self-acceptance.  It will be the most wild and wonderful journey you will ever take.This blog will be stories of taking the interior journey, healing your inner-child, embracing your shadow, self-healing from within, growth, and of course, wildness.

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read my story

I spent most of my life running from my trauma instead of processing it. My way of running from my past was to create drama in my present. And by creating drama, I kept recreating my past. I’ve learned that whatever you don’t process will keep cropping up in different ways. These could be relationships in our jobs, friends, significant others, and especially the relationship with your own body. Emotion is stored as energy in the body. And If you’ve ever heard the saying that unexpressed emotion can lead to illness - believe it. 

I'm Barbara, your Intuitive Coach.

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