explore the services:

The work I do involves discovering and loving the abandoned or traumatized parts of ourselves that had to go into hiding to feel safe. These neglected selves have been described as your inner child or your shadow. 
During our session, I’ll hold a safe and sacred space for you to embark on your inner journey to discover your abandoned self.

One-on-One Coaching Sessions with Barbara

what to expect

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You are craving to live a spirit-infused life filled with joy, gratitude, healing, growth and wholeness.


My Process is intuitive. I use the Akashic Records to gain access to Intuitive Wisdom. My job is to step out of the way and let Intuition take over. We don’t use logic to figure things out, as in some traditional therapy. Intuition runs deeper and truer than anything the brain and ego can put together.

One-on-One Coaching in the Akashic Records

what are the Akashic records? →

All of the information we receive from the Akashic Records is given in deep love to help guide you on your Soul’s Journey.

The Intuitive Wisdom of the Akashic Records will guide me to your particular healing visualizations.

I might also see useful images in my mind's eye. There will also be direct channeling with my Master Teacher of the Akashic Records to provide you loving guidance to any question you have.

As difficult as it is, honoring what you feel will pave the way to uncovering your Shadow. We build trust by turning to love, compassion, and self-forgiveness.

03. honoring

By observing these difficult emotions with curiosity, we follow the pain instead of avoiding or burying it.

02. observing

We begin by simply talking. With active listening, I watch for triggers or uncomfortable feelings that arise.

01. recognising

How It Works

you might be wondering...


The big thing to remember is that we are working with Intuition and trust in the unseen, not Logic and depending on proof by seeing. 
There are hundreds, if not thousands of explanations of what the Akashic Records are.
The Akashic Records are described in virtually every religious writing. In the Old Testament, they are described as “The Book of Life.” In Hindu mysticism, Akasha is thought to be the primary principle of nature from which the other four elements of fire, air, earth, and water, are created. The word, “Akasha” translates to “Atmosphere” or “Ether” in Sanskrit. This is the alleged home of the Akashic Records. I say “alleged” because there is no logical proof that they even exist.
One way to understand the Akashic Records is to envision them as a book that contains the entire energetic history of your soul, as well as every aspect of who you are now and all the potential you possess. This metaphorical book is so vast that it is recorded energetically. Because the information in the Akashic Records is held in the energy of love, the answers you receive to your questions during our Akashic Reading offer helpfulness and hopefulness as well as profound empowerment through knowing the truth and all he possibilities unfolding in your life.

I describe the Akashic Records as entering the energetic realm of wonder, wisdom, and loving guidance. Here we can access the wisdom of your soul for gentle direction to support your spiritual path. The Akashic Records cannot really be understood by an explanation because it is an experience, just for you.

What are the Akashic Records?

Before we meet, I spend time in meditative thoughtfulness and enter my Akashic Record where my Master Teacher will be waiting. My biggest request is that I step out of the way to be a clear channel for Loving Guidance. 

When we meet, we begin by talking. I won’t be in a trance or some weird zombie state. This will be a normal conversation. 

We access the Akashic Records through a prayer or visualization. I’ll have you place your hand over your heart to direct your attention to your heart-space intuition and away from your head-space logic. This will put us in a State of Receiving. I will ask permission to access your Akashic Records.

As we continue to talk you may ask any question of Master Teacher you want. This will be a dialogue. If something isn’t clear we can ask for clarification. I may be directed to do a healing visualization, I may see images for you in my mind’s eye, or I may be directed by intuition to channel a loving message of guidance and support. 

If I channel a message, it will be similar to free-writing, only I will be speaking. My voice doesn't change, nothing weird happens, it’s just me delivering message to you. 
Because we will be working in Intuition, what comes up may surprise you. But It will be an expansive experience full of hope and healing guidance.

How does it work?

No, this is Spiritual and spiritual work is non-denominational. You may call on any spiritual entity you feel comfortable with. If you don’t feel comfortable with “Spirituality,” then you can call on Nature, or call on a passed loved one. You can even make up your own protective entity. Spirit will accommodate You.

Is this religious?

No. There is no ouija board or crystal ball involved. This is a natural progression from already being in the loving energy of the Akashic Records.
All we have to do is ask.

When you do a Mediumship Reading is it like a seance?

It kinda is.

All of this sounds kinda woo-woo...

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4x 1 hour


A package of 4 sessions to use at your convenience. You save $44 with this pakage.

02. Come on in, the Water's Fine

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1 hour


If you have a particular trigger you would like to focus on, or if you want to continue to explore
and pay as you go, sign up for a single session.

01. Get Your Toes Wet

One-on-one coaching options:

All Akashic Records coaching sessions come with a personalized audio visualisation created especially for you following our time together.

learn more

This 3-month journey is for the woman on the quest of uniting all the discarded parts of herself and becoming her true self. The woman who is committed to her own self-healing. Who is willing to revisit the uncomfortable places of the past, acknowledge the wounds, give them loving compassion, and bring them home to her heart.

03. Take Me to the River –
3-month program

03. Take Me to the River – 3-month program

Signature journey

begin your journey →

Now is the time to invite your abandoned self into your heart where she longs to live.

Now is the time to reclaim your Shadow.

As we build trust by turning to love, compassion, and self-forgiveness, you will unearth your abandoned self.

Other ways to work with Barbara:

book a mediumship session

For best results, one Akashic Record Session is recommended before a Mediumship Reading.






1 hour


You have the desire to connect with a loved one who has passed or have a question you never had the chance to ask.


When we are already working within the energetic realm of the Akashic Records, it is very natural to ask a loved one who has passed if they would like to step forward and speak. If you believe, as I do, that our spirits never really die, the Akashic Records is a wonderful place to communicate with those we love. If there is something you never got the chance to say or a question you never had the chance to ask, the Akashic Records will provide the opportunity in a loving and safe environment.

Mediumship Reading

- Albert Einstein

"Energy cannot be created or destroyed;
it can only be changed from one form to another."

Just remember that the person forgiveness benefits most is You.

There may or not be swearing involved :)

We choose a person or situation we are ready to forgive, then release them through healing visualizations.


We will write, draw, and visualize in a way that brings our anger to life and honors its natural power.


We begin by remembering our anger and giving it a voice.

01. remembering

How It Works

Take back the real estate that resentment occupies in your mind. You have better things to think about.

book your session today

- Have writing or drawing materials available.
- Up to 3 people can attend the workshop as a group.
- For larger groups just email me and we can make it happen.






1 hour


You want to learn a fun and effective way to express your anger, choose to forgive, and release resentment.


Most women have trouble expressing anger. As anger is left unexpressed or acknowledged, resentment builds. Holding onto resentment can make you feel superior, but this is the ego and it blocks the freedom of forgiveness. It can also make you physically ill.

The Joy of Anger –
a Session Devoted to Honoring and Releasing Your Anger

- Zhi Gang Sha

"Heal the soul first: then the healing of the body and mind will follow."

im ready for healing

Ready to allow yourself happiness?

A friend of mine asked: “After everything you’ve been through, you deserve to be angry. Why aren’t you?”

I replied: “After living through so many painful emotions, I’m ready to be Happy.”

I'm your coach – Barbara – and my battle with physical health led me to spiritual healing.

Like so many people, my journey began with a chaotic upbringing filled with uncertainty and trauma. I spent most of my life running from my trauma instead of processing it.

My big wake-up call came when I experienced a near-death health crisis. I was having chest pains, which I’ve never had. I called my GP, and she immediately told me to go to the ER. My kidneys had failed.

The next day began my one year dialysis journey...

I took great pride in always being busy. Then my life changed overnight.

i can help
because i've been there

i want change!

It can be uncomfortable digging up old wounds that you’ve tried so hard to forget. But by embarking on this journey, you will learn to become your own emotional healer. You will feel the incredible joy that comes from being united with your abandoned self.

This is not easy work...

You are craving to live a spirit-infused life filled with joy, gratitude, healing, growth, and wholeness.

You’re ready to meet your Shadow and learn from her buried wisdom.

you Can’t wait to meet your Inner-Child and bring them home to your heart.

you Want to learn how to shift from being a harsh inner critique to becoming a compassionate observer of your emotions, reactions, and actions.

You're willing to get curious about where your self-sabotage and negative self-talk comes from.

You’re ready to embark on your journey of self-discovery to become your own emotional healer.

My Coaching is for You if:

next case study →

"I was surprised by how natural it was when we slipped into my Mediumship Reading. She gives it during an Akashic Coaching session. I totally see what she means by, “already being in loving energy”. It was very moving for me. I initially had my doubts, like, this is crazy. But Barbara imagined my mother wearing a green dress with pearls and my mother always wore her pearls. The things Barbara channeled were totally what my mom would say. I really felt her presence and I knew it was real. I would recommend this reading to anyone who grieves the loss of someone they love."

"I am hooked on Barbara's coaching. It has brought me so much insight and has given me actual tools that I use to manage my anxiety when I get triggered."

kayla found tools to manage her anxiety

next case study →

"I’ve been in therapy for years and still had no tools on how to manage my emotional turmoil. On my first session with Barbara, we started talking and she was able to pinpoint some trauma that I didn’t even know was still percolating. She taught me a grounding exercise that I can do myself.

I’ve visited past memories that I didn’t think I’d be able to face. But, with Barbara’s guidance, I have been able to heal some deep wounds and restore a part of myself that was long buried. I can’t recommend Barbara enough. The work she does is life-changing. She’s pretty funny too."

“Each session has been healing beyond words, it’s been transformational.”

sarah healed deep wounds from the past

next case study →

"My session with Barbara was wonderful. She was able to tap into some issues I was unable to express, which was healing in itself. Her insights and guided visualizations stayed with me long after our session and the message of compassion I received has helped me deal with some difficult situations. She is truly a gifted and illuminating intuitive coach."

“She was able to tap into some issues I was unable to express, which was healing in itself.”

andrea found new ways of tackling difficult situations

next case study →

"Within the first 10 minutes of my session, after deeply listening to what I wanted help with, like a laser beam, Barbara intuited what was really going on with me. I instantly felt the truth of her words and we spent the rest of the session healing the patterns that were holding my issue stuck in place. It was powerful! By the end, I felt clear, light, and free. Barbara is a gifted, heart-centered, and compassionate spiritual counselor. Thank you Barbara for facilitating a pivotal transformation for me, you are a blessing!"

“It was powerful! By the end, I felt clear, light, and free.”

Shweta's coaching session began a pivotal transformation

next case study →

"I was lucky enough to experience the soulful guidance and comforting words shared in a magical and unforgettable session. Connecting to meaning-filled messages to help me along my journey as a grief guide, left me feeling more on purpose than I could have imagined. During our session, Barbara connected with my beloved mother, who has been gone since 1993. I felt an overwhelming calm and quiet in the session. Along with some good laughs and a grin the entire time, Barbara’s skill cannot be put into words - it is transformative. Like a warm blanket of knowing and wisdom that allowed me to feel like I am right where I need to be, with a future ahead that burns bright with healing light. All of the messages that were brought forward are forever etched on my heart."

“It was a deeply peaceful and profound experience. I felt an overwhelming calm and quiet in the session.”

barri was able to connect with her beloved mother

next case study →

"Thank you for confirming so many things for me. From the connections with my guides, and ways forward with family, and of course our intrinsic and wonderful time together. Your visualizations of my dearly departed and what they were wearing and doing were really touching.
I took the rest of the day off afterward, and just relished in the joy of everything. I am so grateful.
You truly have a gift. It is crystal clear how your gifts will help so many people heal and know that the divine works in so many imaginative ways."

“Beginning to thank my pain for alerting me to take time to honor the child inside me and helping her heal from all the trauma will be a paramount step in my healing.”

tammy discovered a new way of looking at her pain

next case study →

"Thank you Barbara, for being a fun, open, understanding guiding light in people's lives. You have a special way of comforting the soul and helping us find our own path in ways we've never explored before. "

“Barbara's coaching did something which logical therapy never achieved for me – she guided me on a journey to my own intuition.”

ivana found an internal healing path she never new was there

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Ready for the journey to your truest self?