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Are you ready to restore your innate ability for Emotional Self-healing? We’ll learn how to shift from the harsh inner critic to your compassionate observer and create a safe place to explore and reclaim the lost parts of ourselves that we shut down to feel safe. 

Are you ready to turn your trauma into transformation?

It’s time to find her. That little girl you had to abandon in the past to feel safe, loved, or to fit in. Are you ready to finally meet her?

She’s your very own inner-healer, and she’s been waiting a long time to meet you.

Coaching for women on a mission of self-discovery

Through intuitive coaching. We don’t use logic to figure things out, as in some traditional therapy. Intuition runs deeper and truer than anything the brain and ego can put together.

How Exactly Do We Do It?

Ok, but...

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If you believe, as I do, that our spirits never really die, the Akashic Records is a wonderful place to communicate with those we love. 

Mediumship Reading

“You don’t have a soul, you are a soul. You have a body.”

check it out

Learn a fun and effective way to express your anger, forgive, and release. The person forgiveness benefits most is you.

The Joy Of Anger

sessions for up to 3 people


Learn how to restore the pieces of your wild heart that you had to abandon to feel safe or loved. Remember and reclaim those lost parts of yourself and finally feel truly whole.

One-on-One Coaching

let the healing begin!

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This 3-month journey is for the woman on the quest of uniting all the discarded parts of herself and becoming her true self. The woman who is committed to her own self-healing. Who is willing to revisit the uncomfortable places of the past, acknowledge the wounds, give them loving compassion, and bring them home to her heart.

03. Take Me to the River –
3-month program

03. Take Me to the River – 3-month program

Signature journey

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"I was surprised by how natural it was when we slipped into my Mediumship Reading. She gives it during an Akashic Coaching session. I totally see what she means by, “already being in loving energy”. It was very moving for me. I initially had my doubts, like, this is crazy. But Barbara imagined my mother wearing a green dress with pearls and my mother always wore her pearls. The things Barbara channeled were totally what my mom would say. I really felt her presence and I knew it was real. I would recommend this reading to anyone who grieves the loss of someone they love."

"I am hooked on Barbara's coaching. It has brought me so much insight and has given me actual tools that I use to manage my anxiety when I get triggered."

kayla found tools to manage her anxiety

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"I’ve been in therapy for years and still had no tools on how to manage my emotional turmoil. On my first session with Barbara, we started talking and she was able to pinpoint some trauma that I didn’t even know was still percolating. She taught me a grounding exercise that I can do myself.

I’ve visited past memories that I didn’t think I’d be able to face. But, with Barbara’s guidance, I have been able to heal some deep wounds and restore a part of myself that was long buried. I can’t recommend Barbara enough. The work she does is life-changing. She’s pretty funny too."

“Each session has been healing beyond words, it’s been transformational.”

sarah healed deep wounds from the past

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"My session with Barbara was wonderful. She was able to tap into some issues I was unable to express, which was healing in itself. Her insights and guided visualizations stayed with me long after our session and the message of compassion I received has helped me deal with some difficult situations. She is truly a gifted and illuminating intuitive coach."

“She was able to tap into some issues I was unable to express, which was healing in itself.”

andrea found new ways of tackling difficult situations

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"Within the first 10 minutes of my session, after deeply listening to what I wanted help with, like a laser beam, Barbara intuited what was really going on with me. I instantly felt the truth of her words and we spent the rest of the session healing the patterns that were holding my issue stuck in place. It was powerful! By the end, I felt clear, light, and free. Barbara is a gifted, heart-centered, and compassionate spiritual counselor. Thank you Barbara for facilitating a pivotal transformation for me, you are a blessing!"

“It was powerful! By the end, I felt clear, light, and free.”

Shweta's coaching session began a pivotal transformation

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"I was lucky enough to experience the soulful guidance and comforting words shared in a magical and unforgettable session. Connecting to meaning-filled messages to help me along my journey as a grief guide, left me feeling more on purpose than I could have imagined. During our session, Barbara connected with my beloved mother, who has been gone since 1993. I felt an overwhelming calm and quiet in the session. Along with some good laughs and a grin the entire time, Barbara’s skill cannot be put into words - it is transformative. Like a warm blanket of knowing and wisdom that allowed me to feel like I am right where I need to be, with a future ahead that burns bright with healing light. All of the messages that were brought forward are forever etched on my heart."

“It was a deeply peaceful and profound experience. I felt an overwhelming calm and quiet in the session.”

barri was able to connect with her beloved mother

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"Thank you for confirming so many things for me. From the connections with my guides, and ways forward with family, and of course our intrinsic and wonderful time together. Your visualizations of my dearly departed and what they were wearing and doing were really touching.
I took the rest of the day off afterward, and just relished in the joy of everything. I am so grateful.
You truly have a gift. It is crystal clear how your gifts will help so many people heal and know that the divine works in so many imaginative ways."

“Beginning to thank my pain for alerting me to take time to honor the child inside me and helping her heal from all the trauma will be a paramount step in my healing.”

tammy discovered a new way of looking at her pain

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"Thank you Barbara, for being a fun, open, understanding guiding light in people's lives. You have a special way of comforting the soul and helping us find our own path in ways we've never explored before. "

“Barbara's coaching did something which logical therapy never achieved for me – she guided me on a journey to my own intuition.”

ivana found an internal healing path she never new was there


“It was a deeply peaceful and profound experience. I felt an overwhelming calm and quiet in the session...”

read my story

I spent most of my life running from my trauma instead of processing it. My way of running from my past was to create drama in my present. And by creating drama, I kept recreating my past. I’ve learned that whatever you don’t process will keep cropping up in different ways. These could be relationships in our jobs, friends, significant others, and especially the relationship with your own body. Emotion is stored as energy in the body. And If you’ve ever heard the saying that unexpressed emotion can lead to illness - believe it. 

I'm Barbara, your Intuitive Coach.

hey there!

Resilient Renegade that you are?

And Be The...

Release, Restore, Replenish, and Receive the gifts of Recovering your Wholeness?

So You Can...

Remember, Reconcile, Reunite, and Reclaim the lost parts of yourself?

Are You Ready To...

schedule your consultation

Book a free 30 minute discovery call today and let's begin the journey to your truest self.

Let's Have Coffee!

was that a Yes?

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Enjoy a collection of short guided practices for energy clearing and bring some balance back into your life.
These meditations are ideal for anyone who needs some mindfulness, grounding, and a little "refresh" during the busy day. Take them with you and use them anytime, anywhere.

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